words in pictures
This is a selection of images which include words that sometimes clash, sometimes harmonise with the picture. Some humorous, some darker. I have put this selection in book form. It is available as a signed, limited edition book (printed by Blurb) 12"x12" hardback with quality lustre paper pages. It is £75 plus postage. Contact me via the Clikpic message if you are interested.

Ray and Lucy touch the Blue Door, Goodwick 2018

Haverfordwest Jan 2015

Pill Woods July 2016

Pill Woods December 2016

Mid Wales early 2000s

Mid Wales early 2000s

St Davids 2010

Bullslaughter Bay 2011

East London late 1970s

East London late 1970s

East London mid 1970s

East London mid 1970s

East London mid 1970s

East London mid 1970s

London mid 1970s

East London mid 1970s

East London 1970s

India 2017

UK 2018

Milford Haven 2016

Split Croatia 2010